Baru Gobira Poems

April 26th 2005

In the Valley of Songs

I started my search for you
In the valley of songs ;
The sounds of the flute linger
Strains of the sitar cascade long.

In each note I tried to find you
I turned over stones both old  & new
Each blade of grass, I asked if it knew
The abode of my goddess L’Ambica.

I heard the sheep bells tinkle
As they turned to look me in the eye
I ask them “have you seen Her”
They answer “in which form and why”.

I see the birds too spread the message
And tree leaves whisper like one wise
“In marsh & mangrove he sought the goddess
And now for the seeker darkness must slide”.

Still nearer home across the bridges
I look over green lawns and blue sky
Maybe the goddess will divine, I search
For her likeness, in the moon, ocean and sky.

Deep inside, powered by luminescence of the pearl
I see an answer in the staring eyes, for
All whom I have asked, have said
“She is in the tears, shed by the seeker’s eye”.

  Copyright 2005 Baru Gobira


 April 20th  2005

Powerless Bells

Dawn streaks across the cusp of shadows
Hope fills the eastern sky
My day always starts with belief
That you and I were one today.

The temple bells do not ring
Sadness echo from ruins of neglect
Webs of silvery strands spread on moss
Green, slimy, as if
Offerings have gone stale

Waiting for peel of bells
Disfigured you lie
Crimson vermilion long since dry.
The eyes not seeing see
How neglect can be.
Powerless, rainwater in my palm
Can’t dampen the buzz of flies.

No doors guard the grotto
I watch silence take hold;
The morning rituals
Wail of betrayal’s song
Ride on winds of human wrongs.
Both abandoned
Now we no longer belong.

Why was it so, for you
And now for me L’Ambica,
Why the return has taken this long?

                     Copyright 2005 Baru Gobira