Drunk on the Wine of the Beloved

Look at This Beauty


The beauty of this poem is beyond words.
Do you need a guide to experience the heat of the sun?

Blessed is the brush of the painter who paints
Such beautiful pictures for his virgin bride.

Look at this beauty. There is no reason for what you see.
Experience its grace. Even in nature there is nothing so fine.

Either this poem is a miracle, or some sort of magic trick.
Guided either by Gabriel or the Invisible Voice, inside.

No one, not even Hafiz, can describe with words the Great Mystery.
No one knows in which shell the priceless pearl does hide.

– Translation by Thomas Rain Crowe

– From: Drunk on the Wine of the Beloved 100 Poems of Hafiz   – Shambhala 2001

– Reprinted with permission

Other Poems from: Thomas Rain Crowe