That Thou Art

Tat twam asi.


That thou art.


Commentary by Sri Chinmoy


What does it mean? It means that you are no other than God. Who else is God, if not you?

 A God-lover knocked at God’s Heart-door. God from within, said, ‘Who is it?’

 The God-lover said, ‘It is I.’ The door remained locked. The man knocked and knocked. Finally he went away. After an hour he came back again. He knocked at God’s Heart-door. God, from within, said, ‘Who is it?’

The God-lover said, ‘ It is I.’ The door remained locked. The man knocked and knocked at the door in vain. Finally he left.

After another hour, again he came back and knocked at God’s Heart-door. From within, God said, ‘Who is it?’

The God-lover said, ‘My eternal Beloved, it is Thou.?’ God immediately opened His Heart-door.