The Calling

                                I heard the footsteps

                                       in the sand

                                            but no one

                                                 was around.

                               I saw the lightning

                                      in the sky

                                           but then

                                                there was

                                                     no sound.

                               I heard a voice

                                        so softly then

                                            seep into

                                                  my dreams,

                                Still the moisture

                                         did evaporate

                                              with the rising

                                                   of the sun.

                                Yet at dusk

                                       I heard you calling

                                              beckoning love divine

                                                    seek no sign external,

                                                           eternal essence lies,

                               In the cool of night’s journey,

                                            in the breath that is the star’s

                                                 softly lilting in the morning

                                                     when the sun unfurls his eye

                              At the darkened shadows

                                           hurling somber bolts of light

                                                  a purer truth unveiling

                                                      the light that torches night.
